Thursday, October 30, 2014

Are you keeping your audience interested?

When you start your online business, your focus is likely on attracting leads. It’s doesn’t matter what your particular business, product or opportunity is, without leads, you are nothing.

So you probably research online as to how to attract leads to your business. Maybe you pay for advertising campaigns. You set up social media accounts to spread the word about what you have to offer.

You Tweet, you post, you blog, you email, you make videos. Anything you can do to make people aware of what it is that you have to offer.

Let me focus on Facebook for a moment.

All of your tweeting, posting, blogging etc is likely to have led to you having quite a lot of people either following you on Facebook or added to your friend list. Either way, you now have a lot of potential leads just waiting for the right opportunity.

So, how do you give yourself the best chance that some of them will be joining your business or buying your product. (Hint : You don’t spam your link on your Facebook profile every 10 minutes)

How do you make sure you are keeping your audience interested?

The simple answer is that you ‘Give Value.’

Great. But what does that actually mean?

Again, the simple answer is to offer people a reason to actually take notice of what you are doing.

Posts that are educational, informative, funny or interesting.
Pictures or quotes that inspire, encourage or motivate.
Videos that are helpful, easy to watch and relevant.

The secret is to give people a reason to stop at your posts on Facebook, instead of just scrolling past you like they do with all the other mindless dross that appears on their newsfeed.

If people know that they will get some sort of benefit from your activity then they will make a point of looking out for you.

That doesn’t mean that every single piece of content you ever produce has to be amazing and legendary.

It means that as long as people don’t feel they have wasted their time after reading your post or watching your video, they will continue to follow you closely.

If you made them laugh, that’s great. People like to laugh.

If you made them stop and think about something, that’s also good. People do like to be challenged or made to consider things. It expands their mind and ideas.

If you taught them something, that is absolutely excellent. No matter how basic or easy you may think a particular task is, if somebody didn’t know how to do it and it was YOU who showed them, that makes you an expert in their eyes.

All of these actions have a duel effect.

1 – You are showing these people that you are able to make their Facebook experience better, just by you being on their friend list.

2 – You are building a bond with these people. One that makes them feel safe. They know they can trust you to not just want them as another customer. They feel valued.

Thanks to social media sites like Facebook, you can build this aura around you very quickly if you are determined, committed and consistent in your actions.

When that happens, people will ask YOU for the link to your business.


Because, believe it or not, thy will admire you. You make a part of their life better and they want to be like you.

The best way for them to do that is to join your business and let you show them how to be just like you.

And the best part, is that you are more likely to be building a team of good people around you for long term success.

It is better to have 1 dedicated volunteer who asked you for your link than have 10 people who can’t be bothered and only signed up because they saw your link randomly somewhere and didn’t really know what it was about.


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