Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Dangers of Relying Too Much on Data

If the business best-seller lists tells us anything, it’s that entrepreneurs always seem to be in the market for advice. I’ll admit that I’ve read my fair share of these books, mostly because building a company feels a little less scary when you have a framework or system to follow.

Of course, taking a dogmatic approach to entrepreneurship is a dangerous game. It’s hard to build a one-of-a-kind business with a one-size-fits-all playbook. As I’ve written before, too much of a good thing — whether it’s being a player-coach or building a “lean” start-up — can have undesired consequences.

Which brings me to data. As the founder of an analytics company, RJMetrics, I’m obviously an advocate for data-driven decisions. But I’ve also learned that obsessing over tests and metrics can be counterproductive if it prevents you from thinking about aspects of your vision that can’t be quantified.

Using Data as a Crutch

This happened to us a few years back when we were designing our first website. Our designers asked us what text we wanted to use in the title of our homepage. This may seem like a small decision, but it actually had strategic implications. This text would be the first thing visitors would see, and it would often determine if they stayed on our site or clicked the “back” button.

This was a scary decision. What if we were wrong? Fortunately, we thought of a way to answer the question and play to our core value of being data-driven: let the data decide. We looked up the search volume for certain keywords related to our product. One stood out as being both high-traffic and a winnable organic search term: “eCommerce analytics.” Those became the first two words in the title of our website.

What we didn’t do was ask the larger questions: What market do we want to play in? Who is our ideal customer? How do we want to present our product to the world? Answering these questions was hard — letting the data decide was easy. It was also a rookie mistake.

The Fallout

Over the next year, that “eCommerce Analytics” title tag became a self-fulfilling prophecy. Our customer base, which was historically a healthy mix of e-commerce, software as a service, mobile, travel, and other web companies, started skewing dramatically toward e-commerce.

While limiting our scope didn’t restrict our growth, it did damage our identity. Instead of developing a reputation as a robust analytics platform, we were increasingly viewed as just an e-commerce tool.

In this case, we had set vision aside and let the data lead us to a result that, while better than what we had before, was not optimal for the business long-term. We call this a “local maximum,” and start-ups encounter them all the time when they prioritize short-term wins over long-term vision.

Since that fateful time, we’ve had those discussions, put stakes in the ground around who we are and rebuilt our website so that it speaks to a wider universe of online businesses. This has led to record growth in several new verticals without skipping a beat with our e-commerce customers.

A Better Approach: T-Shaped Data

This experience left me concerned about using data as a crutch, but it certainly hasn’t soured me on data. Quite the contrary, using data to make decisions has never been more important to us. These conflicting ideas are reconciled by the T-shaped data strategy we now employ.

In this strategy, we use two kinds of data to make decisions: tactical data (the top of the T) and strategic data (the base of the T).

Tactical data tell us things like who did what and when they did it. These kinds of data are collected automatically when people interact with our website and product. Needless to say, we have a lot: web traffic data, A/B tests, email opens, and search results.

Strategic data are far smaller — for some companies, they can fit on a napkin — but they pack a punch. They include things like company mission and values, a market vision based on complex observations, and the things that inspire your team.

In the example about our website title, we used tactical data about search volume without consulting our strategic data about our ideal target market. We had the top of the “T” but it wasn’t resting on a solid base. These days, we develop a vision first and then use tactical data to optimize our execution of that vision.

Half Isn’t Enough

You don’t have to look far to find failed companies who attribute their lack of success to missing one part or the other of the T. A compilation of failed start-up postmortems over at CB Insights offers plenty of examples.

After shutting down his start-up, Treehouse Logic, Dave Sloan wrote on Quora: “The data showed that we had accomplished what we set out to do. … Sadly, solving those customer pain points didn’t lead to a sustainable, scalable business.” Clearly, data can only get you so far when it supports the wrong base.

On the flip side, some entrepreneurs rely too much on vision and not enough on data. “We stuck with the wrong strategy for too long,” wrote Keith B. Nowak, founder of failed start-up Imercive. “I think this was partly because it was hard to admit the idea wasn’t as good as I originally thought or that we couldn’t make it work. If we had been honest with ourselves earlier on we may have been able to pivot sooner and have enough capital left to properly execute the new strategy.”

Navigating this delicate balance isn’t easy — at least it hasn’t been for me. But as the shining stars emerge from the current generation of small businesses, I have a hunch that we’ll see a well-executed T-shaped data strategy more often than not.


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