Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Top 10 facts about December

The last month of the year begins today, so here are some December facts

1. There are fewer daylight hours in December in the northern hemisphere than in any other month.

2. According to a 2011 survey, more dentists have birthdays in December than in any other month.

3. To counter the “melancholy and phlegm” brought on by December, Richard Saunders, writing in 1679, recommended eating cabbage, onion and roasted apples or pears after meat.

4. In the UK more drivers are breathalysed during December than in any month. It is also the worst month for road deaths.

5. “God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December.” (JM Barrie).

6. It is estimated that 11 billion will be withdrawn from ATMs in the UK this month. We withdraw more money in December than any other month.

7. According to a recent survey, December is the month when couples argue the most.

8. The stock market tends to do better in December than any other month. This has been put down to something called the ‘Santa rally’.

9. More people suffer fatal falls in December in the UK than any other month.

10. “Men are April when they woo, December when they wed,” (Shakespeare, As You Like It).

December is the month when couples argue the most.

Source: http://www.express.co.uk/

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