Friday, March 21, 2014

Do I Really Need A Business Coach?

This is a question many struggling entrepreneurs and business owners should be asking themselves.

Unfortunately, for one reason or another, many people refuse to subscribe to this way of thinking. It's almost an insult to even think you need outside help, let alone pay for it!

After all, you started a business while most others can't even get to THAT point, so why would you need help, right?

So, you continue your struggles and more often then not, nothing changes. Why wouldn't you want to work with someone who has already achieved the level of success that you aspire to? From a business standpoint, doesn't that just make sense?

The business minded person looks at the idea of a coach/mentor the wrong way. They start thinking about ROI. They start thinking, "Why should I help make another persons business more money"? They also might think, "Why would a successful person teach me, the potential competition, all of his or her secrets"?


This is flawed thinking and a big reason why you are struggling to begin with! In order to be truly successful in ANY endeavor in life, one has to be open minded. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs and business owners in the world know this and know it well.

Am I saying that in order to be successful you absolutely need a coach or mentor?

No, but you could be wasting many months if not YEARS (if your lucky enough) on finding the solutions to your problems.


Do you think it's a coincidence that many successful people work with coaches and mentors?

OK, now you're thinking! Maybe there IS some truth to what this guy is saying here but why? How is this going to help me and my business? What can I expect from a coach or mentor?


Here are just a few reasons why you need a coach.

    Accountability: A coach or mentor is able to look at you and your business from an objective point of view. They are able to assess your problem areas and provide answers that you just cant see! Remember, these are people that in the business world, have already done what you can't do! A Coach will always tell you the truth, even if you don't want to hear it!

    Planning: Do you have a plan? If you do and you're still struggling, IT'S NOT WORKING! A good coach will help you not only identify your problem points but come up with a solid strategy to conquer them.

Obviously, I'm only touching on the subject in this article but hopefully by now, you are a little more open to the idea. You absolutely have to want to grow and change in order to be successful with a coach.

Otherwise, nothing will ever change.

Albert Einstein summed it up perfectly. "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

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